Wednesday 8 June 2011

Re-Writing the Present

Come One Come All... To my Degree exhibition.

Its been a long three years, a very long three years and this little show is what i have to show for it.Pants right. Atleast make it somewhat worth it by turning up and looking at some intersting work and buying some lovely little souveniers. Get yourself down and pick up a few buisness cards from tommorows up and comming.

I personally am exhibiting a news paper i produced based on a brothers Grimm fairytale. Here are some images to entice you:

Come along and see the end product.

See you there

Wednesday 16 March 2011


So in doing this project i got too into the final piece that i shot myself in the foot before i had even started. I had accumulated so much collagable materials and was so focused on how i wanted the final piece to look that i just couldn't start i didn't know where to begin.
So my boyfriend suggested i tried a style completely different to what i had planned in my head and recommended trying photo collage. Now i have tried digital photo collage before, and again i found it hard because any picture you think of, can be found on the Internet, and this leaves no challenge in the composition. So i have decided to use old books and magazines to cut and stick compositions together the analogue way.
Ive done a few so far and they have come out better than expected. They look alot better photocopied and printed onto a good paper stock but for the moment here are the working progresses.

There are more, but i feel i want to get them scanned in from the photocopies and get them up as photographs don't do them any justice.

Peace x

Friday 18 February 2011

Sketchbook Workings

So im going to try and keep this update and working alongside my sketchbook for my current and final project at university.
I've entitled this project Grimm Tales and will be directly influenced by fairytales. I plan to create a series of large scale prints depicting selected characters from either one, or many different fairytales I havn't decided that yet. Im looking at the lesser known fairy tales from the Grimm Brothers obviously and Hands Christian Anderson. I want to keep the prints sorta aimed at adults and so the content maybe quite dark and depict taboo subject matter.
Currently our university plans say that we should be researching for about a month, however this will result in me procrastinating, so at the moment im trying to pick out fairytales i wish to illustrate and get archiving on compositions and hands on mark making etc. so that i can have many options when i come to assembling the finals digitally.

Here is a composition im working on:

Sunday 6 February 2011

An age Removed

So Im aware that I havn't posted on here in ages!
However I cant justify buying a domain just yet...soon..but not yet. And so figured I should really be trying to utilise this more, so that I can share it with all the lovely people I shall meet :).

This particular post is going to be a long post, as im guna upload alot of finals and give the background and basis behind each, so when it gets a bit rambly i promise hang on in there and i promise something interesting will arouse your senses eventually maybe near the bottom when you've looked at EVERY LITTLE THING in great detail!

Going in order of most recent, i'd like to start with my projects for the D&AD competition design briefs we get asked to respond to.
A brief explanation of how I tackled this brief, was to almost work backwards. I created 2 A3 images, which were the deliverables required for submission, then broke down each image to create a booklet that you would recieve with the album, these would be printed on tracing paper so that you could fold, cut or tear the images to create the album art YOU wanted.
First response to song: Crystal Castles 'Black Panther'

Second Response to song: Crystal Castles ' Alice Practice'
Final Booklet plan for 'Black Panther'.

Final Booklet plan for 'Alice Practice'

Next Brief was for the first project we did this year which was based on manifesto's and the challenges we wanted to set for ourselves. In response to this brief i created a series of 3 images. I took the classic phrase Sex, drugs and rock n' roll and interprested it in my style as this was the main content for my manifesto.

Thursday 13 May 2010


True Creation Goes Wrong.
I decided to create a whole product range, I'm sick of creating illustrations which are just posters or pictures nice to look at but have no purpose no adaptability and no reason, it drives me insane, the likely hood of us being able to just produce images because we like them and for them to be nothing else but images or posters is minimal if not hopeful wishing!!
Seeing as we wont be taught to deal with products and advertising and thinking outside the box Ive decided to teach my self.
And here is the final set of what I created.

Repeat Pattern.

Character Sheet.

Postcard (Back)

Postcard 1/5 (Front)


Booster Pack.

Starter Pack.

T-shirt (Back)

T-Shirt (Front)

T-shirt in Packaging.

I found myself particularly annoyed at the amount of work i had put into it, to find that when being crit'ed many others had not even brushed the level of involvement i had. I don't understand how people can turn up to crits without work they are proud of or work they have tried with, instead these people turn up with work they threw together....twats. (immature....uhmm...Dissapointed would be a better word choice)
Anyways I'm sure I'll be back soon with some sort of complex un-interesting rant soon when the marks are in.

Peace x

Thursday 18 February 2010

Bronte Back to Back?

Well into my second year at university now and it seems to be that my love for art is slowly dying a mutilating death, its being tortured and tormented by people so driven by the corporate world its sickening. What the hell happened to creating art for it to just be? I love drawing and I love Painting, when did digital become beautiful, one completely agrees it enhances work and can take something stunning and make it perfection yet, this can NOT be achieved by just digital, and i refuse to believe that people who argue this are correct...matter of fact. I applied to a university that promised to enhance my natural skills and teach me to apply them to different styles, a university where they would teach us to grow as people. This was true for my first year and i began experimenting with styles that weren't mine before and i began to understand what influenced me and what made me strive to grow, however this year all i have learnt is that i pay £3000 a year for guest lecturers that are never illustrators, for tutors 100% driven by career and not heart, for tutorials which condone using our first idea and applying a style we don't like, for marks that seem to be better if you leave all your work till the week or more commonly day.
I feel determined not be beaten by incompetence, and so still continue to jump through their hoops, feeling nauseous every time i do. It seems those who do NOT put in the work and whom do not have a layered meaning to their work do better, maybe stupidity is bliss? This semester i will now apply this...all my work will be...well...DULL! HEY! lets make a photo collage on photoshop, lets make an animation that's outta me flourish.
I wish to LEARN!
I want to learn how to display emotion in 2D Characters, i want to know how to tell when something is done, i want to know how to make wall - paper prints, i want to know how to apply speech to illustrations appropriately, i want to know how to apply paint to illustrations with-out making them gaudy.
Anyone think they could lend a hand?

Peace Out x

Tuesday 7 April 2009

When Im bored on what seems to be a daily basis at times, i am aware that ive become steadily more addicted to youtube.
Youtube is a great source for the latest querky animations, experimental projects and just entertainment and real varied resource i feel.
On youtube i mostly spend my time watching music videos and getting linked form one band to another.
Whilst watching one of my most recent love son youtube, 65 Days of Static, i came across one of their videos to my favourite song, drove through ghosts.
The video to me was an inspiration to the part of me interested in animation. A querky, abstract story.
I think it would be a real benefit to anyone also interested in animation/illustration to have a quick peek at it.

More to come soon.